Disaster Relief, Response, Preparation
Found 3 listings
American Red Cross Serving the Greater Inland Northwest
315 West Nora Avenue, Spokane, WA, USA 99205
Multiple volunteer opportunities ... click on link below for current needs.
PO Box 1042
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816
Serves those working in Coeur d’Alene area restaurants and hotels by providing resources and emergency financial assistance, as well as building positive relationships. We [...]
CDAIDE is looking for people to help with events and outreach to the hospitality community to let them know that we are there to help. If you have a few hours to give a month, please contact us.
Panhandle Health District
8500 N Atlas Road, Idaho 83835
(208) 415-5100 (Main)
(208) 415-5270 (Clinical Services - Family Planning, STD appts, Women's Health Check, Resource nurse)
(208) 415-5220 (Environmental Health Services)
(208) 415-5130 (WIC, Nutrition & breastfeeding support)
(208) 415-5180 (Preparedness)
(208) 415-5160 (Home Health)
(208) 415-5145 (Child Care Resource Center)
Panhandle Health District provides over 40 different public health programs to families, individuals and organizations in northern Idaho, from food and drinking water safety [...]